Thursday, January 13, 2022

HRT- who shouldn`t take it?

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Everyone has heard of hormone replacement therapy. It has been surrounded with scare stories. But here are some conditions where you will find out who shouldn't take it.

There are two types of breast cancer. One that is sensitive to cancer and those that aren't. If you have been treated for a non-oestrogen dependent breast cancer you might be able to take the HRT. If you are having a bad time with hot flushes, have osteoporosis or suffer from hair loss. Women can usually take vaginal oestrogen to treat local symptoms. However, you need to be carefully supervised by a specialist. Endometrial Cancer If you develop this kind of cancer and have a hysterectomy it is likely to be cured. Some women develop other menopausal systems, that may not respond to non-hormonal treatment. If a woman who has had this cancer develops symptoms that require she takes HRT then it can be prescribed. However, because this type of cancer is oestrogen dependent it is usually prescribed with progesterone so that it doesn't return. Blood clots Be particularly careful if you have a genetic condition or a blood clotting disorder thrombophilia, or if you have a history of blood clotting in the family. Or if a family member has had any blood clotting under the age of 45, seek medical advice. Heart attacks and strokes HRT isn't recommended to try and prevent heart attacks and strokes if you have had either of these two conditions already. If you have a history of these and are experiencing very bad menopausal symptoms or you could be at risk at developing osteoporosis. You may be given HRT. Pregnancy A women's fertility is low on the menopause but it is possible to become pregnant. Most HRT's aren't contraceptives. If a women becomes pregnant if she is taking HRT it won't affect the outcome. However, miscarriage is high in older women for many other reasons. Undiagonosed Vaginal bleeding HRT shouldn't be used to control the vaginal bleeding until the cause of the bleeding has been established. The reason behind this is because HRT can cause unexpected bleeding and mask any other problem. I have written professionally since 1980. After several years as an editor on "The archer" Newspaper she found an interest in internet Marketing. So with her dedication and hard efforts she become a successful internet marketing expert. My credits include short stories - plays -press releases. I have also an honourable in Journalism. You will have plenty of Free information, with guaranteed, proven successful tip. That are all backed by the medical profession. Article Source: Article Source:

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